Fallen Timbers battle

Little Turtle and Anthony Waye

A 20 de Agosto de 1794 teve lugar a Batalha de Fallen Timbers no âmbito das guerras índias do Noroeste.
Junto ao rio Ohio confrontaram-se a Legião dos Estados Unidos comandada pelo general “mad” Anthony Wayne e que compreendia cerca de 2000 homens incluindo índios Choctaw e Chickasaw e do outro lado d abarricada cerca de 1500 indios Shawnee, Delaware, Miami, Wyandots, Obijwa, Ottawas, Mingos, potawatami e ingleses vindos do Canadá, comandados chefiados por Little Turtle e Blue Jacket.
Foi uma batalha rápida que terminou com a fuga do exército índio, garantindo o acesso dos Estados unidos à região dos Grandes Lagos…

On August 20, 1794, the Battle of Fallen Timbers took place as part of the Indian wars of the Northwest.
Adjacent to the Ohio River were confronted the United States Legion commanded by General "Mad" Anthony Wayne and which comprised about 2000 men including Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians and on the other side of about 1500 Indians Shawnee, Delaware, Miami, Wyandots, Obijwa, Ottawas, Mingos, Potawatami and Englishmen from Canada, led by Little Turtle and Blue Jacket.
It was a rapid battle that ended with the flight of the Indian army, guaranteeing the United States access to the Great Lakes region ...
