Assim aprouvera
a vossa senhoria
conceder a
mercê do vosso querer
a este humilde
que anseia
dedicar-vos o seu servir
pôr em
vossas mãos o seu saber e querer
na certeza
de vos fazer feliz
apenas a bonança da vossa atenção
um sorriso
e um olhar de bem me querer
que não me olvideis
nem me
exilais da vossa atenção
sentimento puro que me acorrenta
não é
merecedor do vosso mal querer…
May your ladyship pleases
to grant the mercy of your will
to this humble captive
who longs to dedicate himself to your service
put into your hands his knowing and willing
in the certainty of making you happy
asking only for the calm of your attention
a smile and a look of well-loving
pleading not to forget him
nor exile him of your attention
this pure feeling that binds me
it is not worthy of your evil will ...
to grant the mercy of your will
to this humble captive
who longs to dedicate himself to your service
put into your hands his knowing and willing
in the certainty of making you happy
asking only for the calm of your attention
a smile and a look of well-loving
pleading not to forget him
nor exile him of your attention
this pure feeling that binds me
it is not worthy of your evil will ...
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