a lonely quasimodo...

Quasimodo discovering the world
next to his beloved gypsy Esmeralda,
away from the tower of Notre Dame
where he hid from the world
or where the world has forgotten him ...

like the Beauty and the beast,
living a love that nobody believed,
the courage of an amazing story
beyond all obstacles, always believing
in fact of the celestial glue that united them ...

impossible colors sung by starlings
at the dawn of springtime longed for,
fighting to stand up in dark winter,
an escape to the shadowy towers and caves
with which nightmares are built ...

a story to write, aiming to join the Pantheon
with Arthur and Guinevere in the roundtable of Camelot,
Romeo and Juliet, in a Venice of happy ending,
me and you, together in a warm hut
on a stormy night with chocolate and tea ...
