deeply lost

searching on all memory shelves,
I can truly say the only thing I really
want in life is the love of my muse...

even thou the world doesn't owe me anything
I wish one day I can deserve the flavor
from a kiss from my dame...

surely  I was raised  with  discipline
and taught to treat others with respect
albeit in this world it's hard to find a good heart...

in this dark days when i'm stumbling
on a path of thorns and shadows,
still, i can only think about the beauty of thy eyes...

only mine is the fault for my demise
unable that I was to find the true path
to the heart of a warrior princess...

all my life I felt alone, submerged in the shadows
that enlight the cave of Plato, unaware of color
that paint all world as da Vinci saw it...

I feel nothing can make me feel better
wandering on the dawn of the coal caves
only one wish guiding me alone...

thou still foolish to believe in a miracle
I can't desire the fall of anybody
because that would cause pain to my nymph...

no one cares, no one tells me to shut up
probably because I'm usually in silence,
alone and forget about the world...

speed, words and helping everyone who needs
are the only rivers I can sail to stay alive
hoping one day the blue sea will bring me her...
