scarcely alive...

various crossroads
to wander around
lost in the alleys of life
under a fairy spell…

a loutish challenger
fully armed with sword and spear
challenging me on the salty desert
knowing I have only eyes to my muse…

roasted nuts fill my bag
dry of dreams and hopes
just wishing to be Paris
and fight for my Helen…

scarcely alive in a path of thorns,
I follow a sapphire shinning
above the Earth dome
only light in the darkness…

wish one day to be successful
even thou I can only dream of thy
daily grief burning my thoughts
inside an ark of greys …

only a quince refresh my sight
with eyes burned by the salt
that borns from my eyes spring
in an empty orchard…

untie this knot is beyond my strength
dying every day bit by bit
on an endless round-about
with no way out…
